Operating Frequencies
2M | 70cm | 23cm | Tone | |
Primary | 145.49 DUP- |
443.50 DUP+ |
- - | 100Hz |
Secondary | 146.73 DUP- |
444.55 DUP+ |
- - | 100Hz |
D-Star | 145.20 DUP- |
444.2125 DUP+ |
1298.50 |
None |
DMR | - - | 443.50 |
- - | More info |
Tactical | 147.555 | |||
All frequencies are in MHz unless noted otherwise. |
Radio NETs
Hampton's Public-service Team's NET is every Monday evening at 7:15 PM local. 145.490 MHz, DUP-, PL100.
Monthly Event
The Hampton Public Service Team's monthly breakfast meeting is held at The Elk's Lodge, 2204 Mingee Dr., in Hampton at 0800 on the last Saturday of the month. Directions: Take Aberdeen to 60th St, turn left on Industry Dr which curves into Mingee Dr and the lodge is on the left.
D-STAR Access
New to HPT is D-Star Access. Please follow this URL to access our D-Star Gateway. To learn more about D-Star and how to change settings on your D-Star radio click here.
Photos and More Information
Please visit W4QR's Photo Gallery for pictures from recent events. Also check the Library/Photos page of this site for key items of interest to HPT and others.
Many of HPT's members are also members of the local Amateur Radio group called the Southern Peninsula Amateur Radio Klub (SPARK). You can visit their web site by clicking here.
For a list of local area NETs and Meetings please visit W4QR's web site's NETs and Meetings page here.

Welcome to the web site and home of the Hampton Public-service Team (HPT). Please feel free to look around. But before you do, please read this introductory page.
HPT consists of a dynamic group of Amateur Radio operators who enjoy sharing some of their time to help the community. We'd enjoy the opportunity to help you get familiar with HPT and the services it provides Hampton, VA. Please drop us a note and one of our team members will contact you and tell you more.
HPT's Mission
To provide the City of Hampton, VA and its citizens free emergency radio communications, emergency support, and community event radio assistance. Hampton's Public-service Team is a group of FCC licensed Amateur Radio operators who volunteer their skills, equipment, and time to assist the City of Hampton, the Southern Virginia Peninsula, and the Commonwealth of Virginia via radio communications.
Who Are We
That's simple. HPT is a group of Amateur Radio operators who live in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia that contribute their time, equipment, and communications experience to the common welfare of their fellow citizens. Often this is done by providing backup radio communications capabilities to the city during times of need. Additionally, we help park cars and usher parades. If you want to learn more about "Who We Are" you can read more about that here.
Becoming Part of the Team
That sounds interesting, huh? You're right, it is. It's also challenging, and helps build personal skills too. Any Amateur Operator can be part of our team. We're always looking for help. Don't worry, you don't have to be on the front lines to be part of the team. There are other ways to contribute. If you're interested you can learn about the ways you can help by clicking here.
This web site supports the activities of the Hampton Public-service Team (HPT). HPT supports the City of Hampton and provides Hampton with emergency radio support and also during public service events. We have a Yahoo group too. Please visit this link to go to Yahoo Groups.